Square Feet to Square Metre Calculator

Use this tool to calculate your area in square metres from dimensions in feet.

This tool helps you to convert your imperial measurements for length and width into metric square metre areas. This helps you to order the right amount of IBRAN-X gravel grids for your project.

This calculator's suggestion on the number of gravel grids required is based on rounding up your widths to the nearest half metre.

Area (m2): 0.093 m2
Area (sqft): 1 sqft
Recommended Order: 1 (0.25m2)

How our sqft to sqm conversion calculator works

Our calculator will directly convert your imperial measurements to metric and provide you with a precise figure in m2 based on your length and width in ft.

To calculate the exact quantity of grids required, it rounds up the dimensions to the nearest full grid's width/length (0.5m) and multiplies the two together.

The formulae for these calculations is as follows:

  • Area: Length (ft) x 0.3048 (m/ft) x Width (ft) x 0.3048 (m/ft) = Area (m2)
  • Number of grids:
    1. Convert length to metric: Length (ft) x 0.3048m/ft
    2. Convert width to metric: Width (ft) x 0.3048m/ft
    3. Round up length and width to nearest 0.5m
    4. Divide length by 0.5m for number of grids along the length
    5. Divide width by 0.5m for number of grids along the width
    6. Length (grids) x Width (grids) = Total Number of Grids