Square Metre Calculator

Use this tool to calculate your area in square metres.

This tool helps you to calculate how large your area is in square metres and suggests the right amount of IBRAN-X Grids to order for your project.

This calculator's suggestion on the number of gravel grids required is based on rounding up your widths to the nearest half metre.

Area (m2): 1 m2
Grids: 1 grids (0.25m2)

How our recommendation works

Our calculator takes into account the exact length and width of your area and takes into account any cuts you need to make to fit the grids to your area. To do this, it rounds up your length and your width to the nearest 0.5m (the size of a grid).

For example, if your area measures 4.3m x 3.2m, the calculator would round this to 4.5m x 3.5m (15.75m2). This is because your area would be 9 grids long x 7 grids wide (63 grids total).

For comparison, 4.3m x 3.2m would be 13.76m2 (55 grids total). Using this area would leave you short by 8 grids, meaning you couldn't secure/edge the grids effectively.